A letter to a young person
(I should write this in nihongo. But my english is less horrible than my nihongo. Hountou ni sumimasen!)
Blaming others because you are in love is completely stupid.
Others just like you and everyone else are just living inside a particular mind.
People NEVER, NEVER know what is inside another person's mind.
NEVER blame.
You never know what someone else is going through. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing. You never know the serious difficulties someone must be strugling with (especially those who live in poor countries).
Again: the other just exactly like you and everyone else is someone living inside a particular mind AND WILL NEVER see things (or the universe) exactly like you do.
Each human being is an entire different universe from others.
Don't blame, don't attack. Don't play games or you WILL create confusion and you WILL loose all.
Blaming others for the loss of control love creates is what men have been doing against women since the beginning of times, for example (and women can do it too). This disgusting atrocity. Please try to study about Feminism and the history of mankind: it's totally important for everybody.
If you really like someone and the person like you too just GO NOW try to live together. Do NOT waste a second doing any other thing.
Especially important: try to create some form of COMMUNICATION. Without direct communication love will NEVER happen don't matter HOW STRONG it is for the people involved.
NEVER feel ashamed for things you don't know. "A perfect education", "perfect parents" these things do NOT exist. Everybody have lacks of knowledge in some aspects. There is no such a things like "a perfect person". Everybody have limitations. But we can learn together.
(Sorry for my bad english).
Gambatte kudasai!